WHAT IS RAKE ANGLE? Rake angle is the angle between the steering axis and the vertical imaginary line passing through front wheel's centre.(as shown in figure ). Steering axis is the angle on which the front wheel geometry (front forks assembly, handlebars, triple clamps, front wheel) swivels. Note: Rake angle is also called "Caster angle" or simply "Rake" . EFFECT OF RAKE ON THE - Steering Effort : The motorcycle with less rake angle will be having quicker steering, hence less steering effort is required to turn the handlebars in either direction. For more rake motorcycles the steering is slower (as compared to less rake angle motorcycle) i.e. one will have to apply a greater effort to turn the handlebar. Stability : For the motorcycles with less rake, less steering effort is required therefore the stability of the motorcycle in straight line is lower as compared to the motorcycles with higher rake angle. Trail : Trail is the distance between th...